This day, if you have a financial problem and you still want to get higher education to get better future, you just need to submit your application to certain bursaries which are related to your educational background. There are tons of South Africa bursaries which you can choose as well. As if you are interested in the petroleum studies, you can take the ENGEN bursary. This bursary can help you to solve the financial support in the field you like most.
Business Areas Of ENGEN
Well, before you submit to one of the best South Africa bursaries, you need to know first that the ENGEN has five main business areas which you can choose based on what you are interested in. The five main business areas are:
- Support Services. In this business area, they are all focused on allowing the business to convey the brand promise of the company.
- Marketing petrochemical products. They place their customer on the top of the list, so they can do everything which can make their customer feel satisfied with their products.
- Manufacturing ENGEN. In this business area, they have their own manufacturing plants which can produce the petrochemical products.
- In this business area, is to secure their supply of business.
- HSEQ or Health, Safety, Environment, and Quality business area.
Educational Background For This Bursary
If you are interested to submit your application to this bursary, you should know that there are certain educational backgrounds which are available to submit their application. The certain educational backgrounds are accounting, transport economics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, metallurgy engineering, and supply chain.
They also are welcoming the disabilities one. Thus, if you would like to submit your application in one of the best South Africa bursaries, you just need to make sure that you submit your application before the date.